Thursday, June 4, 2009

New Photos

The other day I was on Facebook chatting with my best friend when she mentioned that she really liked the earrings photos I took this spring of earrings hanging on a branch of our blossoming purple leaf plum tree. That got me thinking. This past year we planted a nice apricot tree and the fruit is nearly ripe. It's the perfect time to get some new earring photos. Here are the first few:

The first pair of earrings are in my store, the others are on my website.


  1. Sue, these photos are beautiful. The apricot tree is a great background for your fabulous earrings!

  2. Oh Sue, those are beautiful pictures! And, of course, the earings are lovely.

  3. Fabulous photos! I did a similar thing with plums last year when the trees were full...but yours is positively yummy!

  4. Thanks everyone. The last pair of earrings pictured has been sold, but I can make more if you are interested.

  5. Oh, wow! love the photos! :)
