Friday, March 26, 2010

Foolish Friday

Sometimes Knock Knock jokes come in pairs--like Amos and Andy.

Knock, knock
Who's there ?
Amos who ?
A mosquito bit me !

Knock, knock
Who's there ?
Andy who ?
And he bit me again !

Drawing by Caleb Runyon

My eight year old Caleb had a book report due this week. He chose to do it on the book Red Planet and this is the cover page he drew.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Earth Hour 2010 This Saturday

World Wildlife Fund’s Earth Hour’s a now 4-year-old annual event when everyone’s encouraged to turn off their lights for an hour. In 2010, Earth Hour will be happening from 8:30 pm – 9:30 pm (your local time) this Saturday, March 27.

To participate, turn off your lights at 8:30 PM for one hour local time. That's all. There are no hard and fast rules.

Earth Hour organizers suggest filling that hour with activities like having a picnic in the park with your family, viewing the stars in your backyard, telling stories, taking a candlelit bath or organizing a candlelight game night. You might just find you are having so much fun you won't want to flip those lights back on at 9:30!

You can learn more about this by visiting the official Earth Hour Website.

If you intend to participate I'd love to have your comments on what you are planning ☺

I happen to live in Las Vegas, a city known for it's flashy lights. Will Vegas join in? Yep, it will. Most of the hotels, casinos and attractions on the Las Vegas Strip will turn off most of their lights for that hour.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Now accepting wholesale inquiries

Sue Runyon Designs is now accepting wholesale inquiries. For more information visit the wholesale page on my website.


Monday, March 22, 2010

Featured Artist: Amanda Stephan

I met Amanda on on the Christian Artists Street Team forum. She has a shop called homemomma on Etsy. Lately, she's been concentrating on writing and publishing a Christian Romance novel called The Price of Trust.

Carly Richards is on the run. For the last two years, she's skipped from town to town, ducking her dangerous and well-informed ex-fiance every few weeks, never settling anywhere for long. With the death of her parents, Carly's vulnerability made her trust a man with an attractive facade, now that same man tracked her across the country, always nipping at her heels, preventing her from reaching out to anyone other than her God.

You can get AUTOGRAPHED copies of The Price of Trust from Amanda and find out more about her and her novel. Check out her Blog.


Friday, March 19, 2010

Foolish Friday

Knock knock jokes are, and have been, popular in many countries of the world such as the UK, Ireland, France, Belgium, South Korea, Australia, the U.S.A., Canada, South Africa, the Philippines and India for many decades.

Knock Knock
Who's there ?
Ice cream
Ice cream who ?
Ice cream if you don't let me in !

My little joker at the Valley of Fires in Nevada last Saturday.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Buy Two get one FREE!

Buy any two assortments of my interchangeable earring dangles and get one set of equal or lesser value FREE. Prices range from $7.50 per set to $14.50. Just let me know which of my many assortments you would like for your free set!

You will find assortments in both my on-line store and also in my store.

I have several types of sterling silver hoops and open loop leverback ear wires available.

I have special a special sterling silver bail and chain for matching interchangeable gemstone donut necklaces. For your convenience dangle and donut assortments match.

These are perfect for travel to have a new look for every day!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Friday, March 12, 2010

Foolish Friday

Ready for this week's knock knock joke?

OK, here it is anyway:

Knock knock
Who's there?
Olive who?
Olive you.

2010 A Space Odyssey by Caleb Runyon

This is one of Caleb's recent drawings. He did it in school on the back of scrap paper which is why a reading test shows through the page (he whoops up on his reading tests by the way). Caleb had just watched the movie and was very impressed. Notice he included the obelisk "filled with stars," the space walk, the space station and Jupiter with it's moon Io, dark spot, storms, dark side and bands of weather. He tells me he took artistic license with the space ship because it was too hard to draw.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Stemware Charms now with gift canister

My popular stemware charms now come packaged in a convenient tin window canister which is perfect for gift giving and storing.

Stemware charms are a great idea to keep guests' glasses from being mixed up at parties (and they save you money and dish washing when guest don't abandon half-full glasses for fresh ones because they are not sure whose is whose), but so many of them are too feminine, too ornate or too hard to distinguish from one another in low lights.

These sets of a dozen charms are super simple and are a conversation starter at parties as guest pick the the charms that best fit their personalities. There are twelve different beads per set. Beads may vary from set to set depending on my current stock, but they will be twelve different beads in each set.

Generous one inch in diameter silver plated wires will ring slender stemware glasses such as water and wine goblets as well as some footed dessert and sundae bowls which make them great for kids' parties too. They can also be used on the handles of coffee mugs for brunches.

Priced right to keep on hand for gift giving. These make wonderful hostess gifts.


Saturday, March 6, 2010

Featured Artist: Rebecca of reloveddesigns

Rebecca is a team member of mine on the CAST team on Etsy. It's so much fun to have her on the team and to see what she is up to with her art. It never fails to amaze me--yes, really AMAZE me. Rebecca has taken the art of recycling to a new level and makes the most incredible things from, ummm, well . . . . trash.

Rolled recycled paper bead cross pendant

Miss Rebecca does not toss pistachio shells, scraps of paper, scratched CDs, random game pieces, circuit boards or even tea bag tags. Browsing through her shop always makes me smile.

Fractured disc earrings (from a CD)

I highly suggest taking a look at Rebecca's Etsy shop, reloveddesigns and following Rebecca on her Blog or Facebook to keep an eye on what she's up to. A post from her really will improve your day.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Foolish Friday

I confess that we don't have the most sophisticated senses of humor in my family. Knock knock jokes are always considered to be appropriate dinner table conversation at our house and we make up our own. With an arsenal of silly knock knock jokes you can attract a group of small children like bees to honey. I can hold the attention of an entire bus load of 2nd graders on a field trip for, well, . . . . minutes. That's SOMETHING.

So I thought I'd instigate a "Foolish Friday" feature with a new knock knock joke every week. Memorize them and you can be just as scintillating as I am.

Here is one my son Caleb and I made up:

Knock knock:
Who's there?
I am.
I am who?
Oh, you poor thing. You must have amnesia.

Caleb in Gongju South Korea 2006
